Image Group

美 [ˈɪmɪdʒ ɡruːp]英 [ˈɪmɪdʒ ɡruːp]
  • 网络图像组;影像群组
Image GroupImage Group
  1. The fifth chapter discusses the aesthetic characteristics of wushan image group .


  2. Brief analysis on literature image group of " xiaoxiang "


  3. The Misread of Image Group to Chinese Poetry


  4. Image group is a symbol system which includes many images in poem and has inherence .


  5. He likes use allusions in poetry , and paid much attention to the use of images , the establishment of Image Group .


  6. The novel novel and classical Chinese novels supernatural evil-spirit novels actually popular fiction all involved " god " this image group .


  7. Meanwhile , some poets who write more time poems , have formed their unique image group of time , revealing the specific import of the poems .


  8. In fact , the " time " here did not refer to the concrete concept , but was in a form of " image group " running through the whole verse .


  9. From within , Xu free and easy personality is combined with his respect for nature , like the traveling habits , his decision to favor his sky image group .


  10. The sky image group is mainly constituted by some images in the sky , such as stars , month , cloud , rainbow , snow and so on .


  11. Participants were randomly assigned to a static image group or an animation group , then learned the experiment material which describe lightning forming process and principle , at last took the test .


  12. Image painting group training results show that subjects paint animal imagery in line with the rules concluded from the first part of study .


  13. In this paper , we use CANDIDE-3 mesh model as generic face model , which is made by Image Coding Group of Sweden University . And improve the number of feature points and the size of coverage area .


  14. Methods 90 depressive cancer patients were divided into three groups randomly : group A ( 30 cases ) received only " musicotherapy and relaxation inner image "; group B ( 30 cases ) received only Amitriptyline therapy ;


  15. Method One hundred and fifty-eight patients with ischemic stroke were randomly divided into a scalp acupuncture + CT image location group of 80 cases ( treatment group ) and a scalp acupuncture group of 78 cases ( control group ) .


  16. Results ( 1 ) Image quality of group A and B was superior to that of group C.


  17. The negative image of this group of people shaped by urban society has influenced the employment and life of them .


  18. In the use of a unified platform , unified external image of the Group , unified source of news tips .


  19. This research has focused on new image of female group in cultural development and prosperity period and phenomena of progressive female description by male writers .


  20. With dynamic optical theory , the image motion compensating group formula of the zoom optical system is derived , and the trace curve of the image motion compensating group is plotted .


  21. As the lowertoupper form of pyramid , the physics hierarchical strategy is a method which decomposes an image into a group of bigtosmall layers .


  22. Implicit body image of the group main effect was not significant , that is , in the face of the media in the thin ideal body image of female stimulation , female college students implicit body image is relatively stable .


  23. According to the stability of vanishing points of the projected lines on the image of a group of lines at infinity , the algorithms for camera calibration and indoor visual navigation of the autonomous mobile platform based on parallels are proposed .


  24. Every group is isomorphic image of some free group .


  25. The teacher image is a special group in the literary image corridor .


  26. Influences of Head Nurse 's Self Image to Nurses ' Group


  27. Besides , it puts forward the suggestion on the image transmission of superluminal group velocity and the experiment on numerical coding transmission .


  28. Both the whole quality and image of legal professional group , and the declare function the judgments have to the citizens , promote the improving of legal consciousness and the forming of legal quality of the citizen .


  29. But for various reasons , they can not bring children into the city but can only choose to stay at home by their relatives or parents to take care of our image of this special group called " left-behind children " .


  30. That document , which insists that all men are equal and entitled to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness , would lose much of its power if the society formed in its image contained a permanent group of second-class citizens .
